People and roles

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            Adamson's Head Rent, Curries
            IE OH OHS87/E/3/1 · File · 1905 - 1921
            Part of Bellair Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include:
            outstanding head rent owed by Henry Adamson for holdings at Curries, Co. Westmeath; attempts to establishment the tenant of the estate between Henry Adamson and Captain Arthur G Adamson; negotiations of purchase price; affidavit granting application the Judicial Commissioner for payment of arrears and Land Commission case.

            Includes letter from Browne to Mulock, "I quite agree with your views, but the difficulty is, from what Goodbody tells me, taking any proceedings against any man who is at the Front, however, we are making inquires at the Land Commission to see exactly how this case stands, and are going to try and ascertain from the Land Commission Officials whether they think it would be likely that a Judge would give an Order for them to pay us direct". (18 February 1916).

            Annual Report 1858
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/A/2 · Item · 1858
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            First full report submitted by the Trenchs to Lord Digby. Contains a detailed examination of the 'compensation fund' granted by George Wingfield Digby to the leaseholders to indemnify them for the loss of their several leases, which had been illegally granted to them by the previous earl and which the current earl would like to break. Also includes a memorandum describing in great detail, the meeting between Trench and the leaseholders, to discuss the terms of the compensation. Also includes report on the 'mesne' or first-year rates with a full list of the tenants. Also includes 'sundry observations' on the management of the estate 'during the difficult & trying period of our first year of office.' Describes how the 'tenants-at-will' were invited to settle arrears and there was 'a vast amount of dissatisfaction amongst the tenantry.' W. S. Trench describes the discovery of an assassination plot to murder one or other of the Trenchs is underfoot, leading T. W. Trench to travel over the estate accompanied by a policeman and the estate bailiff, with a loaded gun in his hand. Also discusses the commencement of the construction of new labourers cottages; the building of a new estate office adjoining the church; the drainage of the bogs; and a report on emigration from the estate.

            Annual Report 1873
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/1 · Item · 1873
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1873, containing positive reports on the financial condition of the estate with only 'trifling arrears' of £32 and a general increase in overall rental income. Expenditure consisted of main drainage of lands at Roskeen, Queen's County; the reclamation of the bog at Killurin; thorough drainage at Bawnmore; construction of two new cottages in Geashill Village and a substantial range of offices for Mr Warren of Gorteen. Also comments on the scarcity of labour on the estate due to emigration to America, and that the 'Russian Village' (portable labourers' housing) has been moved to Cappyroe from Ballyknockan.

            Regrets to say that relations with the tenantry are not entirely satisfactory. Tenants without a written contract were asked to sign one but the parish priest, using 'the extraordinary and mischievous power which an Irish priest possesses over an ignorant Roman Catholic tenantry', informed tenants that by signing they will exclude themselves from any benefit under the Land Act.

            Describes the eviction of Mr. O'Flanagan, a large tenant on the estate, who had tried to establish 'tenant-right' through the courts but 'failed signally, as at the last moment before the claim came before the Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, Mr. O'Flanagan signed a paper admitting that he had no claim whatever to tenant-right in his holding.'

            Annual Report 1874
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/2 · Item · 1874
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1874, containing a positive report on the financial condition of the estate with an increase in the overall rental income. Expenditure consisted of further land improvements including drainage works in Roskeen, Killarles, Cappyroe and Clonmore. A drain was sunk at Meelaghans and Cloncon which serves as a boundary between the Geashill and Charleville Estates and report notes that Lord Charleville has undertaken to pay half the cost of the drain. Construction of a new farmhouse for Mr Riddell of Annagharvey cost £514.19.6.

            Report also discusses the introduction of concrete works as a construction method due to the difficulty in sourcing masons, many of which have emigrated. Also notes that the forester has had to be replaced as Mr McIntosh had emigrated to California. New plantations were established at Cappyroe and the Meelaghans.

            Despite the eviction of Mr. Connolly of Clunagh who was in occupation of a farm in Clonad, overall agitation on the estate dissipated after the death of the former parish priest, and Digby describes his successor as 'a bright exception amongst Irish priests.'

            Annual Report 1878
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/6 · Item · 1878
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1878, containing a less favourable financial report than previous years due to non-payment of rent as a result of a second consecutive bad harvest. Reports that he had to evict Samuel Johnston in Killurin due to the neglect of his farm. Details significant drainage works around the estate: main drainage at Killurin and Ross with permission of Mr. Briscoe who will contribute to the works of the drain through his property at Ross; main drainage at Knockballyboy which involves the sinking of the millstream forming the boundary of the Digby, Charleville and Ponsonby Estates at Clonad and Townparks, and jointly paid for; and further drainage for Michael Casey's holding at Killeenmore.

            Expenditure also included a 'heavy outlay' for the large reclaimed farm at Annagharvey, where the tenant Mr Riddell had to surrender and was replaced by Thomas Cobbe who had new concrete farm buildings erected with galvanised corrugated iron roofs. Other construction works included a new dwelling house at the Meelaghans to attract a teacher for the Meelaghans National School; a new residence at Killeigh to replace decaying accommodation of John Warren; and substantial farm offices constructed for Mrs. Owens at the Meelaghans to house cattle. A significant amount was also expended on forestry clearances and replantation at Derrygolan and Hawkswood.

            Annual Report 1881
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/9 · Item · 1881
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1881. Reports that the financial condition of the estate had disimproved, outstanding arrears remaining due and abandoned arrears considerably increased. Profit remitted was £8500, a decrease on previous years, although there was a net increase in the overall rental income. Also reports that the Roskeen lease was surrendered by the reps of Mr. Bailey, and that the farm at Ballydownan was surrendered by Mr Adams and now in Lord Digby's hands and set for grazing with newly purchased cattle.

            In terms of land improvement, Digby reports on the completion of a number of Board of Works projects including the draining and squaring of the moors under Scrubb Wood, the deepening of the boundary stream at Cappancur and the sinking of a large main drain in Balinvally bog. Construction works included new offices for Mr Arthur of Killurin and Patrick Nugent of Ballycollin; new cottages completed at Killeigh; new cottage commenced in Geashill Village and assistance give to William Mathews to erect substantial new dwelling house in Killurin. Also reports on the thinning and replanting of Derrygunnigan Wood.

            Warns that agrarian agitation is increasing encouraged by the Land League. Blames the Government for slow response to agitation. Reports on a 'monster meeting' held in Tullamore by the Land League prior to the winter collection of rents (1880) where the Geashill tenantry requested en masse Griffith's Valuation as a fair rent which was subsequently refused by Lord Digby, but who abated the rent by 10% on the half year's rent payable. Identifies William Adams as the leader of the agitation and describes the court proceedings taken against him individually. With the result of being faced with bankruptcy, Adams paid his rent and then surrendered farm at Ballydownan, with the result that all other agitation on the estate ceased and rents were collected within three weeks. Also refers to 'boycotting' occurring throughout the estate but that no acts of violence or outrages took place. A further attempt at withholding rent in May 1881 was similarly short-lived.

            Annual Report 1882
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/10 · Item · 1882
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1882. Remarking on the 'extraordinary events in Ireland of the last 12 months', Digby reports that consequently there is a large amount of arrears, including abandoned arrears which are mainly the rents of Ballydownan and Roskeen farms which are in Lord Digby's hands having been surrendered.

            Land improvements have ceased due to the suspension of rent and the generally disorganised state of the country, a new dwelling house for William Payne, Killeenmore being the chief expenditure. Thirty acres of young plantations in Derrygunnigan and Newtown woods and the maintenance of other young plantations accounted for expenditure in forestry.

            Warns that the country is in a 'frightful crisis' and reports on the tactics of the Land League with their 'No Rent' manifesto (Autumn 1881), which was eagerly adopted and led to a complete suspension of the payment of rent. After an abatement was refused, tenantry on the Geashill Estate held a meeting in Killeigh in January 1882 at which a resolution was passed not to pay rent unless abatements were conceded. Proceedings were issued against nine of the principal agitators, their properties seized and put up for public auction in Tullamore. Digby reports that in seven cases, the tenants allowed him to be the purchaser, and in the other two cases, the tenants bought in their farms for the full amount of rent claimed and costs. Evictions followed, five of which required the aid of 'a large force of military and police and bailiffs supplied by the Property Defence Association.'

            Annual Report 1889
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/17 · Item · 1889
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 2016, showing a reduction in the rental , mainly as a result of decisions in the land courts. Outstanding arrears had slightly decreased but there was an increase in abandoned arrears, the result of two years rent of the farm in Ballymooney from which it was necessary to evict B. R. Odlum. No major expenditure and the usual amount of £11, 000 was remitted. Describes Ireland as showing a marked improvement both materially and morally, and the tenant farmer 'has relinquished agitation and devoted themselves to more legitimate pursuits.'

            Annual Report 1893
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/D/4 · Item · 1893
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1893, showing a slight decrease in gross rent received and an increase in abandoned arrears due to the eviction of three tenants: Michael Malone, Danganbeg; John Dunne, Ballinagar; and Michael Coughlan, Cappancur. Digby notes that he was able to re-let Malone and Dunne's holdings but that it was 'impossible' to re-let Coughlan's farm. Also notes that Lord Digby granted a 15% rent reduction to non-judicial tenants as a result of continued depressed prices and great injury caused by an excessively wet harvest.

            Annual Report 1894
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/D/5 · Item · 1894
            Part of Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1894, showing an unchanged rental situation form the previous year. Digby refers to the defeat of the Home Rule Bill and his satisfaction that 'the extraordinary proposal of the Government to reinstate evicted tenants has failed to excite enthusiasm'.