Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to Ernest H Browne's management of the Bellair Estate. Matters referred to include:
outstanding head rent owed by Henry Adamson for holdings at Curries, Co. Westmeath; attempts to establishment the tenant of the estate between Henry Adamson and Captain Arthur G Adamson; negotiations of purchase price; affidavit granting application the Judicial Commissioner for payment of arrears and Land Commission case.
Includes letter from Browne to Mulock, "I quite agree with your views, but the difficulty is, from what Goodbody tells me, taking any proceedings against any man who is at the Front, however, we are making inquires at the Land Commission to see exactly how this case stands, and are going to try and ascertain from the Land Commission Officials whether they think it would be likely that a Judge would give an Order for them to pay us direct". (18 February 1916).