Ficheiro B - Memoirs of Alo and Maura O'Brennan

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Memoirs of Alo and Maura O'Brennan


  • 1966 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

4 items

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Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Alo O'Brennan, Cormac St, Tullamore was a member of a strongly republican family. He served a month in jail for nationalist activity and the family home in Church St, Tullamore, was raided on a number of occasions. He was manager of the employment exchange in Tullamore from the late 1920s until 1974. Leading member of Irish National Forresters and a former Chief Ranger, he was a founder member of Tullamore Pipe Band in 1911. He died in 1976 aged 82.

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Maura O'Brennan, of Cormac Street, Tullamore, spent her early years in Wexford. She came to Tullamore in the early 1920s and was a member of the teaching staff of the convent national school, and except for a brief period in Mucklagh spent all of her teaching career in Tullamore. She married Alyosius O'Brennan in {??]. She was a founding member of Tullamore Guild ICA, and appeared as a guest of honour at the ICA 25th anniversary party in the Bridge House in May 1984. She died in July of that year, aged 79.

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História do arquivo

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Two handwritten accounts relating to the background to the Easter Rising and the Tullamore Incident. The accounts were prepared by Aloysius O'Brennan for the 50 year commemorations in 1966. A further memoir on the events of Easter Week was written by Alo's [wife], Maura O'Brennan. Also includes a scrapbook of cuttings compiled in 1966 during the Jubilee commemorations of the 1916 Rising.

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