People and roles

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        People and roles

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        People and roles

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          People and roles

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            Letterbook 1913-1914
            IE OH OHS1/1/3 · Pièce · October 1913 - May 1914
            Fait partie de Records of Rogers & Co. Solicitors

            Copies of approximately 1000 outgoing letters, averaging at 1 per page. Some letters illegible due to fading.
            Includes letter to E. des. H. Browne, Charleville Estate Office, Tullamore re Sherlock Estate: ' Replying to yours of the 20th inst. It is begging the question to suggest that these tenants understood or were satisfied with the last receipts you gave, or with any of the receipts. The original rent in the time of Sherlock's predecessor was £2.1.10. I have a whole bundle of receipts in evidence of this. It was customary by the Landlord as shown by receipts to give a substantial abatement off this rent and eventually some years before Mr. Sherlock became owner and according to my instructions after a valuation was made by the agent, the rent was fixed at the figure of rent paid. The original tenant was John Fitzgerald Snr and his brother Bernard resided on the lands with him. John allowed Bernard the use of half the lands on paying half the rent., and eventually Bernard's name found its way into the rental, and ever since Mr. Sherlock acquired the estate, half of the rent was paid by Bernard. John died and was succeeded by his widow Mrs Bridget Fitzgerald on whose death John Fitzgerald Jr became the tenant, and John Jr and Bernard appear to be now tenants in common of these lands. I give you these particulars as Mr. Sherlock in court did not seem to be conversant with the facts. It is admitted that the yearly rent of £1.14.0 has been regularly paid every year. These illiterate men paid very little attention to receipts which they can hardly be blamed for not understanding: they were content so long as they paid their year's rent and heard no more about it. But now that the question has been raised they will naturally decline to pay the next gale of rent except in exchange for a proper receipt up to date.' (28 January 1914)

            Digby - Geashill Estate 1954-1955
            IE OH OHS3/G/2/13 · Dossier · 1954-1955
            Fait partie de Geashill Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of the Geashill Estate. Matters referred to include forestry; stamp duty; tenancy arrears; damages occurred to iron gates on Lord Digby's property during the thinning of surrounding forests; sporting rights for Lord Digby's property in Glenamoy, Mayo; list of tree seads for planting on Digby estate; repairs to Lord Digby's Ford Thames truck; proposal from Bord na Mona to to purchase Digby's land in Mayo; application on behalf of Lord Digby for a salmon licence.

            Includes copy letter from A T Lucas, Director of National Museum of Ireland to Digby, "You will, I feel sure, be interested to learn that the Geashill cauldron has just been placed on exhibition after a cleaning process which, I hope, has brought it to something like the pristine brilliances which you described to me. It has also been labelled in accordance with the wording you suggested. I take this opportunity of placing on record our very sincere thanks for the extraordinary lengths to which you have gone to help the Museum through the very strange vicissitudes which beset this cauldron over so many years and our deep gratitude for the final generous gesture which secured it for the nation". (5 March 1955)

            Includes letter from Digby to Kennedy, "I would be inclined to resist the selling of the [Village] Green at Geashill and say that for sentimental reasons, I wish to retain it. If you thought it advisable to day, which is true, that I am proud of the fact that I am the 11th Baron Digby of Geashill and that for the dame reason I have tried to retain the castle ruins, both old and new". (14 April 1955)

            Digby - Geashill Estate 1959-1962
            IE OH OHS3/G/2/14 · Dossier · 1959-1962
            Fait partie de Geashill Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing correspondence relating to the administration of the Geashill Estate. Matters referred to include installation of a telephone at the Forester's Lodge, Digby Estate; proposed sale of Garda Barracks; insurance renewals; fisheries rates; accounts for purchase of timber; issuance of gun and wireless licences; arrangements for Lord Digby to meet the Irish Land Commission to discuss Geashill queries.

            Includes letter to Kennedy from Digby: "Thank you for your letter of March 29th dealing with the Archdeacon and the appointment of his successor. I quite realise the difficulty with regard to anybody having to take on the Geashill Rectory, when the upkeep is bound to be great. With regards to building a bungalow rectory in the Castle grounds at Geashill, the idea does not appeal to me much, especially as now I have decided to plant all land I have got left, and which probably go onto my Schedule B Assessment, which is what I would like to happen. I should have thought that part of the rectory grounds could have been sliced off as a site for the new rectory. Unless, of course, the Garda Barracks house is to be given up by the Garda as was considered as a remote possibility last year" (1 April 1960).

            Letter from Department of Posts and Telegraphs: "with reference to your letter of the 30th May to the Postmaster, Tullamore we are now arranging to provide the telephone and the usual agreement will be forwarded for signature in the next few days. The rental will be £14 16s 0d per annum which is calculated on the actual radial measurement of 3 mile 3 furlongs between the Forester's house and Killeigh Exchange. The minimum term of agreement will be for five years. The telephone will be connected to Tullamore exchange for engineering reasons" (3 July 1961).

            Copy of letter to Canon A K Palmer: "I have received a letter from The Hon. Captain Edward Digby in which he says that Lord Digby and he wish to make a contribution towards the new school at Geashill and he has requested that I forward you cheque for £300" (14 August 1962).

            IE OH OHS3/J/2/4 · Dossier · 1946
            Fait partie de Geashill Estate Papers

            Correspondence from Hoey & Denning Solicitors regarding the Geashill Estate, investigating an occupation query on behalf of a client using the Land Commission records. Includes copy of the Land Registry Map showing a map of Cloncon, Geashill.

            Annual Report 1881
            IE OCCHO DIGBY/C/9 · Pièce · 1881
            Fait partie de Digby Irish Estates

            Annual report, accounts and rental for year ending June 1881. Reports that the financial condition of the estate had disimproved, outstanding arrears remaining due and abandoned arrears considerably increased. Profit remitted was £8500, a decrease on previous years, although there was a net increase in the overall rental income. Also reports that the Roskeen lease was surrendered by the reps of Mr. Bailey, and that the farm at Ballydownan was surrendered by Mr Adams and now in Lord Digby's hands and set for grazing with newly purchased cattle.

            In terms of land improvement, Digby reports on the completion of a number of Board of Works projects including the draining and squaring of the moors under Scrubb Wood, the deepening of the boundary stream at Cappancur and the sinking of a large main drain in Balinvally bog. Construction works included new offices for Mr Arthur of Killurin and Patrick Nugent of Ballycollin; new cottages completed at Killeigh; new cottage commenced in Geashill Village and assistance give to William Mathews to erect substantial new dwelling house in Killurin. Also reports on the thinning and replanting of Derrygunnigan Wood.

            Warns that agrarian agitation is increasing encouraged by the Land League. Blames the Government for slow response to agitation. Reports on a 'monster meeting' held in Tullamore by the Land League prior to the winter collection of rents (1880) where the Geashill tenantry requested en masse Griffith's Valuation as a fair rent which was subsequently refused by Lord Digby, but who abated the rent by 10% on the half year's rent payable. Identifies William Adams as the leader of the agitation and describes the court proceedings taken against him individually. With the result of being faced with bankruptcy, Adams paid his rent and then surrendered farm at Ballydownan, with the result that all other agitation on the estate ceased and rents were collected within three weeks. Also refers to 'boycotting' occurring throughout the estate but that no acts of violence or outrages took place. A further attempt at withholding rent in May 1881 was similarly short-lived.

            IE BCA ROSSE/Q/4 · Dossier · [1675-1781]
            Fait partie de The Rosse Papers

            c.25 leases of lands in the manor of Parsonstown, Co. Wexford, which reverted to the Parsonses of Parsonstown, King’s County, between 1708 and 1711, [and seems to have been settled by them on a younger son, Piggott Parsons, brother of Sir Laurence Parsons, 3rd Bt, on the failure of whose issue it seems to have reverted to the King’s County Parsonses, only to be used again as an appanage in the mid-19th century]. Some of the lands mentioned are Cullentrough, barony of Gorey; Ballyduff, Mangan,
            Killenagh, Howell’s Land and Glascarrig, barony of Ballaghkeen; and parts of the manor of St John’s (Tomnegranoge, Knockmarshal, etc), barony of Bantry. [The documents are in date order and are ready for numbering, or rather re-numbering, as each has an obsolete number written on it.]

            Charleville Estate Papers
            IE OH OHS4 · collection · 1633-1985

            Estate papers comprising of estate accounts, tenancy agreements, farms accounts, land titles and correspondence.

            Sans titre
            Charleville Estate 1927-1928
            IE OH OHS4/O/2 · Dossier · 1927-1928
            Fait partie de Charleville Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to management of the Charleville estate. Matters referred to include: claims for damage caused to Charleville Castle alleged to have occurred while the military was using the Castle and Electric Plant; list of articles damaged, broken and missing in Charleville Castle; settlement of accounts for preparation of leases to Denis Walsh and John Kelly; letter from Income Tax Advisor agreeing to the sum of £211.14.10 as repayment claim against Colonel Howard Bury's liability as executor of the estate of Lady A J Howard Bury; settlement of the estate of the deceased Lady Howard Bury.

            Includes copy of letter from Office of Public Works to Charleville Estate Office, " We have read your letter dated 1st instant regarding the compensation amounting to £341.4.0 awarded in full discharge of all claims by Lady E H Bury arising out of the military occupation of Charleville Castle, Tullamore. Of this award the sum of £100 allowed in respect of structural damage was arrived at by arrangement between local officer, Mr Shortall, and Mr Bouchier, by whom no doubt our reasons for reducing your claim for £141.9.7 under this heading were fully accepted... The assessment of £30 in connection with the use of the electric plant covers all charges in connection therewith. It must be borne in mind that at the beginning of the occupation by the Army the electric plant was not in working order until the military officers had the engine and dynamo overhauled and that the plant was not used continuously by the Army during the occupation. We are satisfied after the most exhaustive inquiries that our allowance for the consumption of coal is fair and reasonable...(23 November 1927).

            Sans titre
            Charleville Estate 1933-1934
            IE OH OHS4/O/4 · Dossier · 1933-1934
            Fait partie de Charleville Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to management of the Charleville estate. Matters referred to includes: letter from Income Tax Advisor agreeing to the sum of £211.14.10 as repayment claim against Colonel Howard Bury's liability as executor of the estate of Lady A J Howard Bury; settlement of the estate of the deceased Lady Howard Bury.

            Sans titre
            Charleville Estate 1935
            IE OH OHS4/O/5 · Dossier · 1935
            Fait partie de Charleville Estate Papers

            Original incoming and copy outgoing letters relating to management of the Charleville estate. Matters referred to includes: details of sale of holdings in Tyrellspass to John Clarke; sale of land in Tullamore town park [Spollinstown] to P & H Egan.

            Sans titre