Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

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      • Also known locally as 'The Gorm'

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      Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

      Término General Birr

      Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

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        Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

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          Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

            9 Descripción archivística resultados para Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse

            9 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
            Parsonstown Union Minute Books
            IE OCL BG164/1 · Serie · 1839 - 1921
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            The minutes contain the proceedings of the meetings of the Board of Guardians of Parsonstown Union, containing reports from the clerk of the union, the master of the workhouse, the sanitary officers and others. Also recorded are members present, details of correspondence, proposals and resolution passed.

            Sin título
            Workhouse Records
            IE OCL BG164/7 · Serie · 1842 - 1912
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Three incomplete volumes recording details of residents admitted to the Parsonstown (Birr) Workhouse, the first of which dating from the opening of the workhouse in April 1842.

            Provides details of names of inmates, previous residence, date when admitted or born in workhouse, whether male/female, age, marital status, employment, religion, disability type, and date when discharged or died in workhouse. Volumes from 1842-1843 and 1849-1850 contain index of names.

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            Workhouse Register 1842-1843
            IE OCL BG164/7/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1842-1843
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Register recording details of residents admitted to the Parsonstown Workhouse, the first of which dating from the opening of the workhouse on 2 April 1842 to June 1843. Includes 12 pages of index of name and register number.

            Provides details of names of resident, sex, age, marital status, employment, religion, disability type, name of spouse, number of children, observations, electoral division and townland, date when admitted or born in workhouse, and date when discharged or died in workhouse.

            Workhouse Register 1849-1850
            IE OCL BG164/7/2 · Unidad documental simple · 1849-1850
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Register recording details of residents admitted to the Parsonstown Workhouse dating from January 1849 to April 1850. Includes index of name and register number.

            Provides details of names of resident, sex, age, marital status, employment, religion, disability type, name of spouse, number of children, observations, electoral division and townland, date when admitted or born in workhouse, and date when discharged or died in workhouse.

            Parsonstown Union Outgoing Letter-book
            IE OH OHS71 · Unidad documental simple · 1849-1853

            Copies of outgoing letters from John V. Brown, clerk of Parsonstown Union to various recipients, particularly the Poor Law Commissioners, detailing reliefs and works. Also includes copy outgoing correspondence relating to assisted emigration schemes for inmates of the Parsonstown workhouse during the course of the Great Famine.

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            Memoir by Kathleen Barnwell, Birr
            IE OCL P31 · Unidad documental simple · 1918-1985

            Typescript of memoir titled ‘Do You Remember’. Recounts the life in Birr and covers the following subjects: soldiers from Birr returning from World War I (1918), the Treaty (1921), occupation of Free State Troops of ‘The Gorm' (the workhouse) in Birr (1922), burning of Crinkle Barracks (1922) and other reminiscences of life in Birr from 1930s to 1980s.

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            Parsonstown Union Rough Minute Books
            IE OCL BG164/2 · Serie · 1851 - 1884
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Volumes of rough minutes taken from meetings of the Board of Guardians of Parsonstown Union. Contains listings of rates collected across electoral divisions; invoice accounts from the Parsonstown Workhouse and Outdoor Relief; notes on orders and actions in response to reports and correspondence received by the Board of Guardians.

            IE OCL BG164/5 · Unidad documental simple · 1889-1891
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Loose pages of notes copied by 'H.D.' on 14 December 1891 'from particulars made out from old Minute Books for Mr. John Wright for his Directory and history of King's County in November 1889".
            Lists holders of the following positions in the workhouse for the 50 years between the opening of the workhouse in 1842 and when the notes were compiled in 1889: chairmen; clerks of the union; masters of the workhouse; Protestant chaplains of the workhouse; Roman Catholic chaplains of the workhouse; the first inmate admitted; financial arrangements; furniture suppliers; meeting houses; and medical officers of the workhouse.

            Sin título
            IE OCL BG164/7/3 · Unidad documental simple · 1912
            Parte de Records of Parsonstown Union

            Fragments of indoor admissions and discharge register of residents admitted to the Parsonstown Workhouse in 1912.

            Provides details of date when admitted or born in workhouse, next meal after admission, name, religion, register number, ate when discharged or died in workhouse.