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Affichage de 9 résultats

Description archivistique
Eglish (Bar.) Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :
Records of Killyon National School
Records of Killyon National School
Records of Eglish National School
Records of Eglish National School
Album 4, Page 22
Album 4, Page 22
Photograph of the old stables at Woodfield.
Photograph of the old stables at Woodfield.
Photograph of a field at Woodfield.
Photograph of a field at Woodfield.
Photograph of the view from the front of Woodfield House.
Photograph of the view from the front of Woodfield House.
Photograph of Woodfield House.
Photograph of Woodfield House.
Photograph of Woodfield bog.
Photograph of Woodfield bog.
Photograph of Woodfield Bog.
Photograph of Woodfield Bog.