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Eglish (Bar.) With digital objects
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Records of Killyon National School

  • IE OCL SCH/1
  • Fonds
  • 1856 - 1965

Roll books; daily report books; a district inspectors observation book; roll of cookery and laundry work; a religious instruction certificates book and other registers of Killyon National School.

Killyon National School

Records of Eglish National School

  • IE OCL SCH/2
  • Fonds
  • 1906 - 1968

Roll books, daily report books and corporal punishment books from Eglish National School.

Eglish National School

Album 4, Page 22

  1. 'Oct. 10th '04 Whigsborough [Whigsborough House, Eglish]'.
  2. 'Whigsborough'.
  3. 'Whigsborough.
  4. 'Oct. 13th '04 Threshing at Rathrobin. Tom Bracken and Johnnie B [Bracken]. Vera & Rika'.