Birr Barracks

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Nota(s) de âmbito

  • The barracks were built by Bernard Mullins at the instigation of Lawrence Parsons, 2nd Earl of Rosse, who had supported the need to build some barracks within a few hours’ march of the River Shannon, and were completed between 1809 and 1812.

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Birr Barracks

      TG Birr

      Birr Barracks

        Termos equivalentes

        Birr Barracks

        • UP Crinkle Barracks
        • UP Crinkill Barracks

        Termos associados

        Birr Barracks

          7 Descrição arquivística resultados para Birr Barracks

          7 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
          Leases of Crinkle, a barony of Ballybritt
          IE BCA ROSSE/Q/35 · Ficheiro · [1763-1993]
          Parte de The Rosse Papers

          Box of leases of Crinkle, alias Crinkhill, barony of Ballybritt, on the outskirts of Birr, and many of them therefore including holdings in the town. The Crinkle leases also contain an above-average number of integral maps, some of
          them rather handsome. Included under Crinkle are the sub-denominations of Whiteford and Birr View, the latter of which is described in a lease of 1797 as ‘the spot of ground whereon the viewing-house for the quality is placed to see the races of Birr’. Crinkle was also the site of the Birr Military Barracks, and a lease of 1831 is from the 2nd Earl of Rosse to the Ordnance Department. A number of the leases are dated 1763 (the earliest date in the box), which would suggest that a substantial middleman’s lease, perhaps of the whole townland, fell in in that year. The box also includes papers relating to the sale of a fee farm grant of the Military Road (purchased by Michael O’Dwyer) and to the sale of the Old Schoolhouse (purchased by John and Sophia Hogan).

          Henry G. Farmer Leinster Regiment Collection
          IE OH OHS78 · Coleção · 1874-1964

          Collection of books, press cuttings, photographs, and memorabilia related to the Leinster Regiment at Birr Barracks, collected by Henry G. Farmer (1882-1965), son of Sergeant Henry G. Farmer, quarter-master, Leinster Regiment, Birr Barracks.

          Sem título
          Memoir by Kathleen Barnwell, Birr
          IE OCL P31 · Item · 1918-1985

          Typescript of memoir titled ‘Do You Remember’. Recounts the life in Birr and covers the following subjects: soldiers from Birr returning from World War I (1918), the Treaty (1921), occupation of Free State Troops of ‘The Gorm' (the workhouse) in Birr (1922), burning of Crinkle Barracks (1922) and other reminiscences of life in Birr from 1930s to 1980s.

          Sem título
          Pattern Book issued to Birr Barracks, 1881
          IE OCL P128 · Arquivo · 1881

          Volume of drawings and specifications of pattern articles to be adapted in War Department works and buildings. Issued to Birr Barracks.

          Letters and papers of the 4th Earl about Parsonstown/Birr
          IE BCA ROSSE/M/5 · Ficheiro · 1868-1910
          Parte de The Rosse Papers

          Letters and papers of the 4th Earl about Parsonstown/Birr: the Castle – his youthful recollections of it, extensions to it 1867-72 [see also M/25], a magazine portrait of his way of life there, 1898, and magazine obituaries of him, 1908; an incident which took place on the road between Banagher and Parsonstown and in which the 4th Earl and his party were stopped and temporarily put in gaol by a drunken R.I.C. man, 1868; the Parsonstown Barracks, 1869, 1899 and N.D.; the Parsonstown Town Commission and Commissioners, 1870 and 1885; admissions to the demesne of privileged locals, 1876-1910; and one of the bridges in the Birr Castle demesne, and the Rivers Brosna and Camcor, 1880 and 1896. The correspondents include Gladstone, W.E. Forster and Lords Strathnairn and Roberts. The sub-section also includes a small account book recording local subscriptions to the Parsonstown Defence Association, the Property Defence Association, the legal fund of the Irish Land Committee, and the Field and Rossmore Testimonials, c.1882.

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          Photographs of Birr Barracks and Leinster Regiment
          IE OCL P84 · Coleção · 1870-1910

          Collection of photographs relating to Birr Barracks and the Leinster Regiment, many of which are reproductions of original photographs by William Lawrence and others. Contains an original group portrait King's County Rifles, Birr (1872), and several images of the Barrack Square. Also contains the only known image of the interior of the barracks, 'The Coffee Bar, Leinster Depot.'

          Sem título
          OCL P136 Page 88
          Parte · 1922
          Parte de Photograph album of Col. Fitz-Simon

          'Poor Old Depot'

          1. 'Fred Barry'
          2. [Untitled. Photograph of doorway into the burnt out remains of Birr Barracks]
          3. [Untitled. Distant view of burnt out remains of Birr Barracks]
          4. [Untitled. View of burnt out remains of Birr Barracks from internal barrack square.]