Original bundle of applications/ recommendations for the post of head gardener at Birr (Andrew Hume being the successful applicant).
Zonder titelBirr Castle
24 Archivistische beschrijving results for Birr Castle
Original bundle of letters and papers of the 4th Earl about sewage disposal at Birr, by turbine and sundry other methods; the correspondents include Bindon B. Stoney [see K/24. Not in chronological order.]
Zonder titelBox of in-letters from correspondents whose names begin with ‘A’ and ‘C’, including correspondence about Sir Nesbitt Armstrong’s trusts, and letters from James Callaghan (a thatcher employed by the Rosse estate), from the ‘Chief of Staff, January 1923’ about the occupation of Birr Castle by the Free State Army, from W. Y. Chisholm (manager of the Rosse sawmill [see Q/327]), from Miss Edith A. Cramer, [see M/18], from Messrs Coutts & Co., etc.
Includes: Letter from Padraig Ua Maolchatha, Col. Comdt., G. O. C. 3rd Southern Command, Roscrea: I am directed by the Chief of General Staff to inform you that it will not be possible to evacuate any portion of the premises occupied by the troops before Christmas. I am at present unable to give you any idea when we may be able to evacuate Birr Castle but assure you that we will not occupy it any longer than necessary. I regret being unable to facilitate Lord Rosse’s family in this matter but trust that the owner will appreciate the circumstances which force us to remain in occupation.’ (4 December 1922)
Includes letter from Capt. F. O’Brien for the Chief of General Staff, Dublin, to Toler Garvey: ‘I have been in communication with the General Officer Commanding of the Area who informs me that we was aware of game being shot on the Rosse Estate, but did not prevent it, as he was not aware that the game was preserved.’ (8 January 1923)
Postcard of Birr Castle viewed from the river, purchased from Richard J Sheppard, Bookseller and Stationer, Birr, County Offaly.
‘Forestry account timber sales ledger.’
[Birr] Castle gardens ledger.
Small bound notebook, ruled for tracking wages of casual labourers. Lists names of workmen, the number of days per week (out of six days) worked, rate of wages and amount earned. Also includes notes on pay increases or bonuses earned. Although there is no mention of the type of work, all employees are male.
Zonder titelCorrespondence and other papers of the 4th and 5th Earls of Rosse on subjects other than astronomy, including estate and other King’s County affairs, the 4th Earl’s contributions to public life as a representative peer, Chancellor of T.C.D., etc, etc.
Zonder titelOriginal bundle of letters and papers concerning the 4th Earl’s patents for a machine which he had invented for removing leaves and other matter from turbines, 1901-4; together with notes on his experiments with electro-plating, 1908. [Not in chronological order.]
Zonder titelPreprinted acknowledgment postcards sent by return by prisoners-of-war in German camps on receipt of relief parcels organised by the Birr Castle scheme. Personal details recorded include name, rank and internment camp.